1. Matka water- Bring back the matka, the malmal cloth and khus-khus grass. Add the khus-khus grass to the bottom of the matka, pour water on top and wrap a mal mal cloth around it. How does it help you? Khus khus is an ancient secret of keeping everything cool. The porous matka adds a unique taste and keeps water free of any pathogens- lets call it pure and mineral enriched. Khus Khus is also called Vetiver and you will find it in all high end soaps and perfumes, not just for its distinct aroma but for its ability to reduce emotional anxiety and bring about a calming effect.

2. Curd- For all those who suffer from constipation, gas and acidity, this one is an absolute must have on a daily basis. The thing though is that you must set the curd at home. This allows the essential fats, the vitamin D and the vitamin B along with the B12 to be retained. The process of turning milk in to dahi naturally enhances the dahi with the “good bacteria”. The growth of this essential bacteria is curtailed in the “probiotic” products available in the market, that's exactly why they don't go bad for days together and have along shelf life. Curd will strengthen your intestines, reduce acidity attacks and keep the bloating down.
3. Cucumber- An alkaline body will have the best metabolism and will stay away from manifesting or developing diseases so make sure to include this humble super hydrating vegetable everyday and enjoy the pleasures of a non bloated body.
4. Sabja Seeds- Move over chia seeds. Before the age of internet and the flood of weight loss ads about chia, subja seeds floated on every falooda, chaas and kheer in Indian homes. Not just a quick detox but an instant cooler and bloating reliever. Even a glass of water with soaked subja seeds can help you get thinner.
5. Cinammon- The lovely Indian spice cinnamon has a plethora of benefits that include super anti inflammatory power and reduction of arthritic pain .Not only does it help curb LDL and blood sugar levels drastically but chewing a small piece of it also helps keep sweet cravings at bay
6. Coconut Water- The divine nectar from the most divine fruit that India has to offer is not just a thirst quencher but has the perfect balance of sodium and potassium to give your skin a baby fresh look. Yes, it prevents dehydration too and is well known reliever of cramp and migraine during PMS trouble.

7. Power-packed Chana- It's a whole grain so its packed with nutrients that stay intact .With the power to keep diabetes in check ,strengthening immunity and healing skin problems ,chickpeas help induce peaceful sleep reduce cholestrol and are a great source of fibre.
8. Jowar- Naturally cooling in nature. This grain can over come the weight loss plateau so bring jowar rotis back on your plate with ghee on it. Rich in vit B1, iron ad fibre it can help you pick up the rate at which your body is burning fat. It is also considered a brain food. You want to sleek and smart go get jowar.
9. Guava, the Indian apple- Eat it everyday to keep the doctor away.Its a rich in vitamin C ,antioxidants and fibre.A natural cleanser of teeth,pick the crunchy guavas to get the best out of it.
11. Lime- Your days Vit C kick will keep acne and over active sebaceous glands in check. Refreshing as it is also an effective fat burner. Squeeze in water with the subja for the most relaxing, cleansing and cooling drink.Make sure to squeeze the lime inside out to get all the fibre.
12. Papaya- Rich in the enzyme papain ,papaya ensures the well being of your stomach thereby reflecting in excellent health of hair and Skin.Also a great source of beta carotene, papaya is great for good vision.
Rashida Sidhpurwala
Consultant Nutritionist & Dietician